Brew Coffee that Sings

Great coffee is the result of the dedication and skill of countless individuals around the world before it ever reaches Morningsong Roasters in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We are honored to be part of this global journey, adding our final touch to every coffee we roast.

At Morningsong, we focus on bringing out the distinctive flavor notes in each coffee. With an unwavering commitment to quality, we take pride in offering coffee that truly stands out.


    Our focus to bring out the distinctive flavors of each coffee often leads to a very light roast, allowing each coffee's natural notes to sing.

  • "DARK" ROAST (LEVEL 5-7)

    While you won’t find many dark roasts from Morningsong, we do offer a few coffees that lend themselves to a roast-driven profile. Even the darkest coffees we roast will have no exterior oils on them.


    Simple DOES NOT mean boring. Instead, it means that the flavor profile has a dominant single note instead of a layered symphony of notes.


    Coffees with a high complexity rating will have a myriad of flavor notes that might include flowers, fruits, teas, and spices.


    “Terroir” means “sense of place” and is mostly used for wine, but it applies to coffee as well. Coffees that lean toward the “Terroir” end of the scale are processed in a way so that the flavors of the cup come from the variety, micro-climate, and cultivation as opposed to the processing methods themselves.


    Coffee rated higher on the "Process" scale undergo processing steps after picking that can drastically affect the flavor and mouthfeel. These might include sealed, extended, or altered fermentations during multiple stages as well as natural or honey processing.

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