
Producer: Worka Chelbessa Washing Station
Region: Worka, Gedeb
Elevation: 1900-2200 masl
Varieties: Mixed Heirloom
Process: Washed, 36-48hr underwater fermentation, dried on raised beds
Flavor Notes: Floral, Orange, Peach Tea, Crisp, Delicate


SKU: BESA Categories: , , ,

Linarco is a founding member of Café Origen Palestina, a growers association started to provide better processing and storage for its members. If this coffee is any indication, it was well worth the effort. This Typica lot is treated to a short in-cherry ferment that adds juiciness but lets the complexity of the variety shine through. This is an elegant cup that still has structure. Expect lots of lemon sun tea throughout with hints of acai and a long, lingering finish.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Bag Size

12 oz, 32 oz, 5 lb, 4 pk


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